- Yes the pdf can be found here 2025 FAQ's
- Please try your absolute best to play your games as originally scheduled by the league, but if you MUST reschedule, follow these steps (in order):
- Reach out to the opposing team’s coach and agree on a new day & time
- Once a day & time are agreed upon, the home team’s coach to reserve a field with the town’s Rec Director
- Once this is done, update game info in TeamSnap and make sure to select ‘notify teams’
- If Rookies and above, you must inform the Umpire Director so an Ump shows up
- If less than 24 hours from the first pitch, please text the Umpire Director… If more than 24 hours from the first pitch, email is okay
How do I find the contact details of the opposing coaches, Town Rec Directors, and Umpire Directors?
- The Updated League & Coaches Contact Sheet can be found on the link below
- League’s contact list and details for opposing coaches, Town Rec Directors, and Umpire Directors will have been provided (via email) from the TRLL Coaching Coordinator at the start of the season
- TeamSnap can also be used for some of this info (i.e. opposing coaches' email / mobile #s)
- Yes you can, but please follow these guidelines:
- Avoid picking the most talented players from the other teams in town. This is a good opportunity for other ‘non-travel players’ to get additional game reps/experience
- The taxi’d players must play outfield the entire game and bat last in the line-up
- For playoff games, you must get consent from the opposing team’s coach first
- We ask the winning team’s coach to report final scores via TeamSnap
- From TeamSnap’s website from a laptop/desktop computer
- Click on ‘Schedule’, find the relevant game, and on the right-hand side, you’ll see the ability to ‘edit’ the game which lets you enter the final game score. Do that and click ‘save’
- If done correctly on TeamSnap, this automatically feeds the official standings on the TRLL website, which is used as the source for playoff seeding
- Fair Haven Coaches – please make sure you are on the TRLL TeamSnap account, not the FH Rec account (if the latter, it won’t be processed correctly as there is no auto feed into the TRLL website/system)
- If you don’t report a game score correctly, you won’t receive points for playoff seeding (i.e. 3 points for a win, 2 points for a tie, 1 point for loss)
- From TeamSnap’s website from a laptop/desktop computer
- Yes. 3 innings MAX for all TRLL regular season and playoff games
- Please use your best judgment on player arm safety and air on side of caution, i.e.
- if kids are pitching travel on Sunday, throw them mid-week and not on Saturday
- Avoid having a kid pitch 3 innings, and then catch the other 3 innings
- For All-Stars, please revert to the official little league international pitch count chart by age group (this will be provided to all-star coaches)
Refer to the TRLL Play Progression Chart for official game rules & guidelines across age groups. This 3 to 4-pager is the central source of truth that should be referred to by coaches and umpires during TRLL games
- Typically the home team’s Rec Department will decide whether the town’s fields are open and safe for play, and if determined to not be playable, will aim to provide 2 hours' notice before the first pitch if games need to be canceled and rescheduled
- In certain cases, TRLL can also provide league-wide notice of cancellations if the weather does not permit play across the 5 towns
- If games are canceled due to weather, please reschedule those games for another day and follow the order & sequencing noted above in Question #1
- It is up to the coaches to reschedule their games; please make every effort to play all regular season games prior to the start of the playoffs
- TRLL’s All Star Coordinator will be sending an email (also posted on TRLL’s website) with all the All-Star information coaches need to know sometime in early May.
- Note re: eligibility – Children can play with their grade level during the regular season if they’d like, but for All Stars, please keep this in mind -- player age eligibility follows a Sept 1st cutoff date, meaning if your son played with his grade and has a July or August birthday (i.e. ‘old’ for his grade), if nominated for All-Stars he will have to try out for the grade above him because All-Star eligibility follows the Sept 1st cutoff, not the grade level… See the age grid chart below for All-Star eligibility.
To be eligible to coach an all-star team, you must have been either a head coach or assistant coach during the TRLL regular season
- This is something that is important and unique to TRLL – we are very proud that our TRLL games are officiated in part by a group of young cadet umpires overseen by TRLL’s Umpire Coordinator and also the Veteran Umpires that work the games alongside them
- The presence of these cadet umpires at our games is a reminder to our broader community of the deeper family aspects of the TRLL that may not always be obvious
- Furthermore, these cadet umpires are teenagers with a true love of baseball, a desire to learn the game from “behind-the-mask” and the impressive motivation to take on the often-unenviable role of umpire
- We at TRLL wish to continue to encourage their involvement in our league and foster their dedication to umpiring while at the same time help them to develop their leadership skills. We can only achieve this goal if our coaches remain tolerant of the occasional incorrect call that may happen and if our coaches remember that these umpires are teenagers. With that, we would ask that you show every umpire – veteran and cadet – the utmost respect in the games and remember that each adult associated with TRLL – head coaches, assistant coaches and umpires – is ultimately an example for our youth players.
- Prior to the start of each season, TRLL holds a Mandatory Coaches Meeting covering important info for all the coaches and answering Q&A. Topics covered:
- Highlights of the Play Progression Sheet for each age group
- Relevant info and updates on All-Stars
- Safety Issues
- You can also reach out to the TRLL Coaching Coordinator with specific questions throughout the season – coaches@tworiverlittleleague.com
- There will also be a pre-tournament All-Star Coaches meeting to discuss specifics of tournament play and eligibility immediately following the naming of each All-Star team, and prior to the District 19 meeting